1. What is the primary goal of a CSRF attack?

A) Steal user credentials
B) Trick a user into executing unwanted actions on a web application
C) Inject malicious JavaScript into a website
D) Encrypt user files for ransom
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks trick authenticated users into making unwanted requests to a web application on which they are logged in.

2. CSRF attacks typically exploit which of the following?

A) Lack of input validation
B) Weak encryption algorithms
C) Authentication tokens stored in cookies
D) Insecure HTTP methods
Answer: C
💡 Explanation: CSRF exploits the fact that session authentication tokens are stored in cookies and automatically sent with each request.

3. Which of the following is a common real-world example of a CSRF attack?

A) A phishing email tricking users into revealing credentials
B) A hidden form submission changing the user’s email address without consent
C) A SQL Injection attack that extracts database records
D) A brute-force attack attempting to crack passwords
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: CSRF can be used to change user settings, transfer funds, or perform other actions without the user’s consent.

4. What is a key difference between CSRF and XSS attacks?

A) CSRF exploits user sessions, whereas XSS injects malicious scripts
B) CSRF attacks are always browser-based, whereas XSS is network-based
C) XSS requires user interaction, while CSRF does not
D) CSRF attacks require administrator privileges
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF exploits authenticated sessions to perform actions on behalf of the user, while XSS executes malicious scripts in a user’s browser.

5. What is a widely recommended defense against CSRF?

A) Using CAPTCHA on all forms
B) Implementing Same-Origin Policy (SOP)
C) Using anti-CSRF tokens in requests
D) Encrypting all user data
Answer: C
💡 Explanation: Anti-CSRF tokens ensure that requests are legitimate by requiring a unique, unpredictable token to be submitted with each request.

6. Which HTTP request methods are most commonly exploited in CSRF attacks?

Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF primarily targets GET and POST requests because they are commonly used in web forms and API calls.

7. Why does using the “SameSite” cookie attribute help mitigate CSRF attacks?

A) It blocks all third-party cookies
B) It prevents cookies from being sent with cross-origin requests
C) It encrypts all cookies
D) It requires CAPTCHA verification before sending a request
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: The SameSite attribute ensures that cookies are not sent with requests initiated by third-party sites, reducing CSRF risks.

8. How does an attacker typically deliver a CSRF exploit?

A) Embedding malicious scripts in the web application
B) Sending a malicious URL or hidden form submission
C) Exploiting weak password policies
D) Conducting a social engineering attack
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks trick users into unknowingly submitting requests, often by embedding malicious links in emails or websites.

9. Which of the following is NOT an effective CSRF defense?

A) Using CSRF tokens
B) Validating Referer headers
C) Using strong password policies
D) Implementing the SameSite cookie attribute
Answer: C
💡 Explanation: While strong password policies enhance security, they do not prevent CSRF attacks, which rely on session authentication.

10. Which security feature helps mitigate CSRF attacks but is not fully reliable?

B) Referer header validation
C) Disabling JavaScript
D) Using HTTPS
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: Referer header validation can help but is not foolproof since some browsers and proxies strip or modify headers.

11. Why is using a “nonce” in HTML forms a good CSRF defense?

A) It prevents XSS attacks
B) It ensures each request is unique and cannot be replayed
C) It encrypts form data
D) It blocks JavaScript execution
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: A nonce (number used once) prevents attackers from reusing old CSRF tokens or forging requests.

12. What is a common limitation of Referer header validation in CSRF defense?

A) Some browsers do not send Referer headers
B) It requires JavaScript execution
C) It does not work on HTTPS
D) It requires user authentication
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Some browsers, proxies, and network policies strip or block Referer headers, making this defense unreliable.

13. Why do CSRF attacks generally target users with active sessions?

A) Because they rely on session cookies for authentication
B) Because users have weak passwords
C) Because browsers do not encrypt cookies
D) Because CSRF attacks require JavaScript execution
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks exploit the fact that browsers automatically send session cookies with authenticated requests.

14. What is the primary risk of CSRF in online banking applications?

A) Unauthorized money transfers
B) Password brute-forcing
C) Phishing attempts
D) SSL certificate forgery
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF can be used to trick users into transferring money or changing banking credentials.

15. Can an attacker exploit CSRF if a user is logged out of their session?

A) No, CSRF relies on active session authentication
B) Yes, if they have stolen user credentials
C) Yes, but only in encrypted environments
D) Yes, but only if cookies are stored in local storage
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks depend on authenticated user sessions to execute unauthorized actions.

16. What role do CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policies play in CSRF mitigation?

A) They block all cross-origin requests
B) They help control cross-origin requests but do not fully prevent CSRF
C) They prevent all attacks that use authentication cookies
D) They remove cookies before sending requests
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: CORS restricts cross-origin requests but does not fully mitigate CSRF since browsers still send authentication cookies for same-site requests.

17. Why is OAuth authentication generally more resistant to CSRF?

A) OAuth does not use session-based authentication
B) OAuth relies on explicit user consent and state tokens
C) OAuth forces users to re-enter their password every request
D) OAuth does not use cookies
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: OAuth includes state tokens that must match between request and response, making it resistant to CSRF attacks.

18. How can HTTPOnly cookies impact CSRF attacks?

A) They prevent CSRF completely
B) They don’t directly prevent CSRF but help mitigate XSS risks
C) They ensure the same-origin policy is enforced
D) They prevent JavaScript from modifying request payloads
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: HTTPOnly cookies do not prevent CSRF directly, but they help protect against XSS, which can be used to steal session cookies.

19. What happens if a CSRF token is missing in a request?

A) The request should be rejected by the server
B) The request will still be processed normally
C) The request will be encrypted automatically
D) The browser will prompt the user to confirm the request
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Anti-CSRF tokens are required for validation, and if missing, the request should be rejected as unauthorized.

20. Can an attacker read CSRF tokens via XSS?

A) Yes, if an XSS vulnerability exists
B) No, CSRF tokens are stored in encrypted cookies
C) No, CSRF tokens are always sent via HTTPS
D) Yes, but only if the request is made using AJAX
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If an XSS vulnerability exists in a web application, an attacker can steal CSRF tokens and use them for unauthorized actions.

21. What is the best way to generate CSRF tokens?

A) Use a fixed secret key for all users
B) Use cryptographically secure random values
C) Use the same token across multiple sessions
D) Generate tokens based on the user’s password
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: Cryptographically secure random values ensure unpredictability and prevent token guessing or replay attacks.

22. How do session expiration policies help mitigate CSRF attacks?

A) They limit the time an attacker can exploit a session
B) They remove CSRF tokens automatically
C) They prevent users from logging in multiple times
D) They force users to use strong passwords
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Short session expiration limits the attack window for a CSRF exploit by forcing users to re-authenticate frequently.

23. Why should CSRF tokens be unique per session?

A) To prevent token replay attacks
B) To improve website performance
C) To make API requests faster
D) To ensure tokens work across all websites
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Unique tokens prevent attackers from reusing a stolen or intercepted CSRF token.

24. Can CSRF be performed through AJAX?

A) Yes, unless proper security controls are in place
B) No, because AJAX requests are always blocked
C) Yes, but only if the attacker has user credentials
D) No, AJAX requests require explicit user permission
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: AJAX requests can still be exploited in CSRF if proper validation (e.g., CSRF tokens, SameSite cookies) is not implemented.

25. Why should CSRF tokens not be stored in cookies?

A) Because they can be accessed via XSS attacks
B) Because cookies are too small to store secure data
C) Because cookies do not support encryption
D) Because CSRF tokens must always be stored in local storage
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Storing CSRF tokens in cookies makes them vulnerable to XSS attacks, allowing an attacker to steal and use them.

26. What is the most secure way to implement CSRF protection?

A) Use CSRF tokens, SameSite cookies, and Referer validation together
B) Use CAPTCHA for all requests
C) Require users to log in for every request
D) Encrypt all URLs
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Combining CSRF tokens, SameSite cookies, and Referer validation provides a layered defense.

27. How do attackers deliver CSRF payloads?

A) By embedding malicious URLs in emails or websites
B) By running a script on the victim’s machine
C) By injecting SQL commands into web applications
D) By performing a DNS poisoning attack
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF payloads are typically hidden in malicious URLs, iframes, or auto-submitting forms.

28. Why is it important to restrict sensitive operations to POST requests?

A) Because GET requests are cached and can be replayed
B) Because POST requests are always encrypted
C) Because POST requests cannot be sent across domains
D) Because CSRF can only affect GET requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: GET requests can be stored in browser history, logged, or cached, making them unsafe for sensitive actions.

29. How does HTTP Referer header validation help against CSRF?

A) It ensures requests come from the expected domain
B) It encrypts requests before sending them
C) It blocks requests that contain JavaScript
D) It ensures cookies are not sent with cross-origin requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Referer headers can be checked to confirm if the request originates from a trusted source.

30. Which of the following security headers can help mitigate CSRF?

A) Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)
B) X-Frame-Options
C) Content Security Policy (CSP)
D) SameSite Cookie Attribute
Answer: D
💡 Explanation: SameSite cookies prevent cookies from being sent in cross-origin requests, reducing CSRF risk.

31. Which attack technique can be combined with CSRF for a more effective exploit?

A) SQL Injection
B) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
C) DNS Spoofing
D) Port Scanning
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: XSS can be used to steal CSRF tokens and execute unauthorized actions on behalf of the victim.

32. Why are RESTful APIs particularly vulnerable to CSRF?

A) They do not require authentication
B) They often rely on session-based authentication with cookies
C) They do not use encryption
D) They only allow GET requests
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: RESTful APIs often authenticate using cookies, which can be exploited in CSRF attacks.

33. What is the purpose of a SameSite=Strict cookie setting?

A) Prevents cookies from being sent with any cross-origin request
B) Encrypts cookies for security
C) Ensures cookies expire after every request
D) Prevents JavaScript from accessing cookies
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: The SameSite=Strict setting ensures that cookies are not sent with cross-origin requests, mitigating CSRF attacks.

34. What is a primary limitation of using CAPTCHA to prevent CSRF attacks?

A) It does not work in mobile browsers
B) It cannot be bypassed by automated scripts
C) It degrades the user experience
D) It encrypts authentication tokens
Answer: C
💡 Explanation: While CAPTCHA helps prevent automated CSRF attacks, it negatively affects user experience and does not prevent all attack scenarios.

35. Why should API authentication avoid session-based cookies?

A) Cookies increase request latency
B) Session-based cookies can be exploited in CSRF attacks
C) Cookies are difficult to manage in modern web applications
D) Cookies require manual validation for every request
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: APIs should use OAuth tokens or API keys instead of session cookies to avoid CSRF vulnerabilities.

36. Which method ensures that CSRF tokens are unique per request?

A) Generating a new CSRF token for each form submission
B) Using a single static CSRF token for all requests
C) Storing CSRF tokens in browser cookies
D) Using the same CSRF token across different applications
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Generating a unique CSRF token per request prevents token reuse and mitigates replay attacks.

37. What is one disadvantage of relying solely on Referer headers for CSRF protection?

A) They are not supported in HTTP 2.0
B) Some browsers and proxies strip or modify them
C) They only work on mobile devices
D) They require JavaScript to function
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: Referer headers can be blocked or modified, making them an unreliable sole defense against CSRF.

38. What happens when a SameSite=Lax cookie is used?

A) Cookies are blocked for all cross-site requests
B) Cookies are sent only for top-level navigations but not embedded requests
C) Cookies are sent with all cross-origin requests
D) Cookies expire immediately after use
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: SameSite=Lax allows cookies to be sent for top-level navigation, reducing CSRF risks while maintaining usability.

39. What is the role of the “Origin” header in CSRF defense?

A) It provides information about the request’s source domain
B) It encrypts HTTP requests
C) It stores session authentication tokens
D) It prevents brute-force attacks
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: The Origin header helps verify if a request is coming from a trusted source, aiding in CSRF detection.

40. Why are GET requests generally unsafe for state-changing actions?

A) They do not support authentication
B) They are automatically cached and can be replayed
C) They are not encrypted in HTTPS
D) They only work in modern browsers
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: GET requests should not be used for state-changing actions because they can be cached, logged, or replayed.

41. Why is an anti-CSRF token typically stored in a hidden form field?

A) To prevent attackers from reading it through JavaScript
B) To ensure it is included in every form submission
C) To allow tokens to be manually copied by users
D) To encrypt session cookies
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: Hidden form fields ensure that CSRF tokens are submitted only with legitimate user interactions.

42. Can CSRF attacks be conducted on mobile applications?

A) Yes, if the mobile app uses session-based authentication with cookies
B) No, mobile apps do not use cookies
C) Yes, but only if the user is running a rooted/jailbroken device
D) No, CSRF only affects web applications
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Mobile applications using session cookies for authentication are also vulnerable to CSRF.

43. What is a common attack technique used to bypass CSRF defenses?

A) DNS spoofing
B) JSON hijacking
C) Protocol smuggling
D) SQL Injection
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: JSON hijacking can be used to extract CSRF tokens from API responses.

44. Why should AJAX requests include CSRF tokens?

A) To authenticate the request before execution
B) To encrypt the request payload
C) To prevent DNS poisoning attacks
D) To improve website performance
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF tokens validate AJAX requests, ensuring they originate from a legitimate source.

45. Can CSRF tokens be generated based on user IP addresses?

A) No, because IP addresses can change frequently
B) Yes, but only for mobile users
C) Yes, as long as the IP is encrypted
D) No, because IP addresses are stored in cookies
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Using IP addresses to generate CSRF tokens is unreliable since IPs can change dynamically.

46. Why is it important to log failed CSRF validation attempts?

A) To detect and analyze potential attack attempts
B) To improve website performance
C) To prevent SQL Injection attacks
D) To provide users with error messages
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Logging failed CSRF validations can help detect ongoing attack attempts.

47. Can CSRF attacks be prevented using HTTPS alone?

A) No, HTTPS does not protect against CSRF
B) Yes, HTTPS blocks unauthorized requests
C) Yes, but only for API requests
D) No, but it helps prevent cookie theft
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: HTTPS secures communication but does not prevent CSRF attacks, which rely on the browser sending authenticated requests.

48. Which attack can be used to extract CSRF tokens stored in JavaScript variables?

A) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
B) SQL Injection
C) Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) attack
D) Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: XSS can be used to extract CSRF tokens from JavaScript variables.

49. What is the best practice for handling CSRF validation failures?

A) Deny the request and log the event
B) Redirect the user to a login page
C) Prompt the user to confirm their identity
D) Ignore and proceed with the request
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Failing CSRF validation should result in the request being rejected and logged for analysis.

50. Which of the following is NOT a method to prevent CSRF?

A) Using CSRF tokens
C) Using IP-based authentication
D) Using SameSite cookies
Answer: C
💡 Explanation: IP-based authentication is unreliable and does not protect against CSRF.

51. What is the primary purpose of CSRF tokens?

A) To authenticate users for each request
B) To verify that a request is intentionally made by the user
C) To encrypt session cookies
D) To prevent SQL injection attacks
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: CSRF tokens confirm that a request was initiated by the legitimate user, preventing unauthorized actions.

52. What is a key limitation of using JavaScript to insert CSRF tokens in requests?

A) JavaScript can only generate one token per session
B) Attackers can use XSS to steal CSRF tokens
C) JavaScript cannot access hidden form fields
D) CSRF attacks only affect JavaScript-based applications
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: If a web application has an XSS vulnerability, attackers can extract CSRF tokens from JavaScript variables.

53. Which of the following is a real-world example of a CSRF attack?

A) An attacker changes a user’s email address without their knowledge
B) A malicious script executes in a victim’s browser
C) A hacker gains access to a database using SQL injection
D) A user is redirected to a phishing site
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks trick users into unknowingly performing actions, such as changing email settings or transferring funds.

54. Why are token-based authentication methods (e.g., OAuth) more resistant to CSRF?

A) They use session-based authentication
B) They require explicit user consent and state verification
C) They do not support user authentication
D) They automatically generate CSRF tokens
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: OAuth requires explicit user actions and uses state verification, making it harder for CSRF attacks to succeed.

55. What is the impact of a successful CSRF attack?

A) The attacker gains full control over the victim’s account
B) The attacker can make unauthorized changes on behalf of the victim
C) The attacker can execute arbitrary commands on the server
D) The victim’s credentials are stolen immediately
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: CSRF allows attackers to force users to perform actions without their consent but does not necessarily provide direct account access.

56. Can CSRF attacks affect single-page applications (SPAs)?

A) Yes, if they rely on cookies for authentication
B) No, SPAs do not use authentication
C) No, SPAs run only in a user’s browser
D) Yes, but only if the user has a weak password
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: SPAs that rely on cookie-based authentication are still vulnerable to CSRF if proper protections are not in place.

57. What is a major downside of using IP-based validation for CSRF protection?

A) IP addresses can be dynamically changed by ISPs
B) IP-based validation requires JavaScript to work
C) Attackers can spoof IP addresses using encryption
D) IP validation prevents the use of HTTPS
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Many ISPs assign dynamic IPs, making IP-based validation unreliable for CSRF protection.

58. Which HTTP header can help mitigate CSRF attacks?

A) X-Frame-Options
B) Strict-Transport-Security
C) X-Requested-With
D) Referrer-Policy
Answer: C
💡 Explanation: The X-Requested-With header is commonly used in AJAX requests to validate that a request originates from the expected source.

59. What type of websites are most at risk from CSRF attacks?

A) Banking and financial applications
B) Static websites with no login functionality
C) Websites without JavaScript
D) Search engines
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Websites that handle sensitive transactions, such as online banking, are high-value targets for CSRF attacks.

60. What is an effective way to prevent CSRF in JSON-based APIs?

A) Require authentication headers instead of relying on cookies
B) Use session-based authentication
C) Encode all JSON responses in Base64
D) Implement CAPTCHA on all requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: APIs should use authentication headers (e.g., OAuth, JWT) instead of relying on cookies, which are susceptible to CSRF.

61. What is a CSRF “sleeping attack”?

A) A CSRF attack that waits until the user logs in before executing
B) A CSRF attack that uses brute force to guess CSRF tokens
C) A CSRF attack that sends multiple requests in a short time
D) A CSRF attack that modifies HTTP headers in transit
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: A sleeping CSRF attack waits until the victim logs in before executing an unauthorized action.

62. Why should CSRF tokens be unique per session?

A) To prevent replay attacks
B) To make requests execute faster
C) To allow tokens to be stored in cookies
D) To enable logging of CSRF attempts
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Using unique CSRF tokens per session prevents attackers from replaying a stolen token in another session.

63. What happens if an attacker attempts a CSRF attack on a site that uses SameSite=Strict cookies?

A) The attack will fail because cookies are not sent in cross-site requests
B) The attack will succeed if JavaScript is enabled
C) The attack will work only if the user has an expired session
D) The attack will bypass the CSRF protections
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: SameSite=Strict cookies prevent CSRF by blocking cookies in cross-site requests.

64. What is a common characteristic of a CSRF attack URL?

A) It contains an action that modifies data, such as updating a user profile
B) It always uses HTTPS encryption
C) It runs JavaScript to execute an attack
D) It must contain an XSS payload
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attack URLs typically trigger actions that change user data or settings.

65. What is the best practice for CSRF token validation?

A) Store CSRF tokens in HTTP headers and validate them on the server
B) Store CSRF tokens in cookies
C) Require users to manually enter CSRF tokens
D) Use static CSRF tokens for all users
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF tokens should be sent in headers and validated on the server to prevent misuse.

66. Can a CSRF attack be executed through an iframe?

A) Yes, if the website allows embedded requests
B) No, because iframes block all authentication cookies
C) No, CSRF does not work with embedded content
D) Yes, but only in modern browsers
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks can use iframes to submit forms automatically if the target site does not implement X-Frame-Options.

67. What is one way to detect CSRF attacks?

A) Monitoring for unusual referrer values in requests
B) Checking browser cache for anomalies
C) Scanning for SQL Injection payloads
D) Blocking all requests from unknown IPs
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Unusual or missing Referer headers can indicate a CSRF attempt.

68. What type of authentication method is immune to CSRF?

A) Token-based authentication (e.g., JWT, OAuth)
B) Session-based authentication with cookies
C) Basic authentication with headers
D) Multi-factor authentication
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Token-based authentication does not rely on cookies, making it resistant to CSRF.

69. Can a CSRF attack be logged as a legitimate user action?

A) Yes, because it exploits the victim’s authenticated session.
B) No, because CSRF attacks are always blocked.
C) No, because CSRF does not require authentication.
D) Yes, but only if the user is using an insecure browser.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Since CSRF exploits an authenticated session, the system treats it as a legitimate action performed by the user.

70. Why should CSRF tokens never be stored in cookies?

A) Cookies are encrypted and cannot be used for CSRF prevention.
B) An XSS attack can steal CSRF tokens from cookies.
C) CSRF tokens stored in cookies expire immediately.
D) Cookies do not support authentication.
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: If an attacker successfully exploits an XSS vulnerability, they can extract the CSRF token from cookies and use it to forge requests.

71. What is one reason why banking applications are a primary target for CSRF attacks?

A) They store user passwords in cookies.
B) They perform sensitive transactions based on user authentication.
C) They do not use encryption.
D) They allow cross-origin API requests.
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: Banking applications process sensitive transactions that attackers can manipulate through CSRF.

72. What is an example of a CSRF payload?

A) A malicious script that deletes a user account when they visit a website.
B) A phishing email that asks the user to enter their credentials.
C) A brute-force attack attempting to guess a password.
D) An attack that injects JavaScript into a web application.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF payloads execute unauthorized actions on behalf of an authenticated user without their consent.

73. What is the best practice for verifying CSRF tokens on the server?

A) Checking if the CSRF token matches the expected value for the user session.
B) Validating the CSRF token against the user’s password.
C) Encrypting the CSRF token before storing it in cookies.
D) Using static CSRF tokens for all users.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Servers should verify that the CSRF token included in the request matches the expected value stored for the user session.

74. Why should CSRF tokens be long and random?

A) To prevent brute-force guessing attacks.
B) To improve website performance.
C) To ensure they can be stored in cookies securely.
D) To reduce the need for authentication.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Short or predictable CSRF tokens can be guessed by attackers, leading to security breaches.

75. How do security researchers test for CSRF vulnerabilities in web applications?

A) By crafting malicious HTML forms that submit unauthorized requests.
B) By performing SQL injection attacks.
C) By scanning for open ports.
D) By trying different user passwords.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Penetration testers test for CSRF vulnerabilities by crafting requests that exploit an authenticated session.

76. How does multi-factor authentication (MFA) impact CSRF attacks?

A) It reduces the impact of CSRF attacks by requiring additional authentication steps.
B) It makes CSRF attacks more effective.
C) It completely eliminates CSRF attacks.
D) It forces users to change their passwords frequently.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: MFA adds an extra layer of verification that can help limit the impact of CSRF attacks but does not eliminate them.

77. How do SameSite cookies mitigate CSRF risks?

A) They prevent cookies from being sent in cross-site requests.
B) They encrypt all request payloads.
C) They require user interaction before sending a request.
D) They validate the origin of each request.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: SameSite cookies restrict cookies from being sent in cross-origin requests, mitigating CSRF risks.

78. What is a major risk of disabling CSRF protections on API endpoints?

A) Attackers can perform unauthorized actions on behalf of authenticated users.
B) Users may be required to enter their password more frequently.
C) The website will load more slowly.
D) The application will become vulnerable to XSS attacks.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Disabling CSRF protections allows attackers to execute unauthorized actions using an authenticated session.

79. What is an example of an implicit CSRF attack?

A) An attacker sends a hidden request that performs an unwanted action on behalf of the user.
B) An attacker injects malicious JavaScript into a web page.
C) A phishing email tricks a user into entering credentials.
D) A brute-force attack attempts to guess a user’s password.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Implicit CSRF attacks trick users into unknowingly submitting unauthorized requests.

80. How does disabling third-party cookies impact CSRF?

A) It reduces the risk by preventing session authentication in cross-origin requests.
B) It increases the risk of CSRF attacks.
C) It forces websites to use weaker authentication methods.
D) It prevents users from logging into multiple accounts.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Disabling third-party cookies helps mitigate CSRF attacks by preventing unauthorized authentication across different sites.

81. Why are idempotent HTTP methods like GET considered unsafe for CSRF-prone actions?

A) They can be used for modifying sensitive data.
B) They are cached and can be replayed.
C) They do not require authentication.
D) They allow attackers to inject JavaScript.
Answer: B
💡 Explanation: Since GET requests can be cached and replayed, they should not be used for state-changing actions.

82. Why should CSRF tokens be rotated periodically?

A) To prevent token reuse and replay attacks.
B) To make authentication faster.
C) To allow multiple users to share the same session.
D) To encrypt user credentials.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Regularly rotating CSRF tokens ensures that an old token cannot be reused for an attack.

83. How does user session expiration reduce CSRF risks?

A) It limits the time an attacker has to exploit a CSRF vulnerability.
B) It forces users to change their passwords.
C) It prevents cookies from being stored in browsers.
D) It blocks all requests from untrusted domains.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Shorter session lifetimes reduce the window of opportunity for a CSRF attack to be successful.

84. Why should CSRF protection be enabled on all sensitive endpoints?

A) To prevent unauthorized actions from being executed on behalf of users.
B) To prevent phishing attacks.
C) To improve website performance.
D) To encrypt all requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF protections should be applied to all endpoints handling sensitive actions to prevent exploitation.

85. What does an attacker need to execute a CSRF attack successfully?

A) An authenticated user session.
B) Administrator access to the target system.
C) A valid user password.
D) Direct access to the victim’s browser.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF relies on an active authenticated session to execute unauthorized actions.

86. What is the primary reason CSRF attacks are dangerous?

A) They allow attackers to execute actions on behalf of an authenticated user.
B) They enable attackers to steal passwords directly.
C) They inject malicious JavaScript into web pages.
D) They exploit server-side vulnerabilities.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF allows attackers to perform actions using the victim’s session without their consent, making it a significant security risk.

87. Why is logging CSRF validation failures important?

A) It helps identify attack attempts and improve security monitoring.
B) It increases website performance.
C) It allows users to reset their passwords automatically.
D) It prevents SQL Injection.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Logging CSRF failures helps detect attack attempts and allows security teams to take preventive action.

88. Which of the following best describes a CSRF attack vector?

A) Forcing a victim to perform an unwanted action by tricking them into submitting a request.
B) Executing JavaScript in a victim’s browser without their knowledge.
C) Intercepting encrypted HTTPS traffic.
D) Stealing cookies using browser exploits.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks rely on tricking users into unknowingly submitting unauthorized requests.

89. What type of web application functions are most vulnerable to CSRF?

A) Actions that change user settings or financial transactions.
B) Static web pages with no authentication.
C) Read-only API requests.
D) Public forums without login functionality.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks target actions that modify user data, such as changing email addresses, transferring money, or updating passwords.

90. How can JavaScript-based CSRF protection mechanisms be bypassed?

A) By exploiting an XSS vulnerability to steal CSRF tokens.
B) By using HTTPS encryption.
C) By disabling JavaScript in the browser.
D) By using strong password policies.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If an XSS vulnerability exists, attackers can use it to extract CSRF tokens stored in JavaScript variables.

91. What is the best approach for defending against CSRF in APIs?

A) Requiring authorization headers instead of relying on cookies.
B) Using static session-based authentication.
C) Blocking all cross-origin requests.
D) Encrypting CSRF tokens in the browser.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: APIs should use authorization headers (such as OAuth tokens) instead of cookies to avoid CSRF risks.

92. Which of the following is NOT an effective CSRF mitigation strategy?

A) Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for sensitive actions.
B) Requiring user re-authentication for high-risk transactions.
C) Implementing CSRF tokens for all state-changing requests.
D) Using weak passwords to prevent token theft.
Answer: D
💡 Explanation: Using weak passwords does not prevent CSRF attacks. CSRF attacks exploit session authentication rather than password security.

93. Why should session timeouts be configured in applications vulnerable to CSRF?

A) To reduce the window of opportunity for an attacker to exploit CSRF.
B) To force users to re-enter their password frequently.
C) To prevent XSS attacks.
D) To allow multiple sessions for the same user.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Shorter session lifetimes reduce the chances of an attacker exploiting CSRF over an extended period.

94. Can an attacker launch a CSRF attack using a different browser?

A) No, because authentication cookies are stored per browser session.
B) Yes, as long as the victim is authenticated.
C) Yes, but only if the victim shares their session manually.
D) No, because CSRF relies on JavaScript execution.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks depend on cookies stored in the victim’s browser, so an attacker cannot perform CSRF from a different browser.

95. How does rate limiting help mitigate CSRF attacks?

A) It reduces the impact of automated CSRF attacks by restricting repeated requests.
B) It encrypts all requests containing CSRF tokens.
C) It blocks all external requests.
D) It forces users to manually verify every request.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Rate limiting helps reduce the impact of CSRF by restricting repeated unauthorized requests.

96. What is the benefit of re-authentication for sensitive actions?

A) It prevents CSRF attacks by requiring explicit user confirmation.
B) It improves website loading speed.
C) It eliminates the need for CSRF tokens.
D) It allows users to remain logged in indefinitely.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Re-authentication prevents CSRF attacks by ensuring that only the legitimate user can perform sensitive actions.

97. How can organizations detect CSRF attacks in real time?

A) By monitoring unusual or unexpected POST requests.
B) By scanning for SQL injection attempts.
C) By blocking all incoming HTTP traffic.
D) By using JavaScript to detect anomalies.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Security monitoring tools can detect CSRF attempts by flagging unusual or unauthorized requests.

98. Can a CSRF attack be successful if the victim is using an incognito/private browsing mode?

A) Yes, because CSRF exploits active authentication tokens.
B) No, because private browsing disables JavaScript.
C) Yes, but only if the attacker controls the browser.
D) No, because incognito mode encrypts all HTTP requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Private browsing mode does not prevent CSRF because authentication tokens are still active during the session.

99. What is a limitation of using CAPTCHA as a CSRF defense?

A) It degrades user experience and may not always be practical.
B) It encrypts user requests but does not prevent CSRF.
C) It only works on desktop browsers.
D) It blocks all JavaScript execution.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CAPTCHA can help mitigate automated CSRF attacks but is not always practical due to usability concerns.

100. Which best describes the difference between CSRF and XSS?

A) CSRF exploits authenticated sessions, while XSS injects malicious scripts into web pages.
B) CSRF requires JavaScript execution, while XSS does not.
C) XSS is only possible on HTTPS websites, while CSRF is not.
D) CSRF steals user credentials, while XSS manipulates browser behavior.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF exploits an authenticated user session to perform unwanted actions, while XSS injects malicious scripts to execute code in the victim’s browser.

101. Why are HTTP-only cookies not a sufficient defense against CSRF attacks?

A) Because browsers automatically send them with every request
B) Because they encrypt user credentials
C) Because they prevent JavaScript execution
D) Because they require user authentication
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: HTTP-only cookies prevent JavaScript access but do not stop CSRF because browsers still send them with every request, including malicious ones.

102. What is an effective way to prevent CSRF in web applications?

A) Using a secret CSRF token for each request
B) Relying on strong passwords
C) Using client-side validation only
D) Blocking all POST requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: A CSRF token ensures that a request is legitimate and originated from the expected source, helping prevent CSRF attacks.

103. Which browser security feature helps in mitigating CSRF risks?

A) SameSite cookie attribute
B) Content Security Policy (CSP)
D) SSL/TLS encryption
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: SameSite cookies prevent cookies from being sent with cross-site requests, reducing CSRF risks.

104. What happens if a CSRF token is missing in a POST request?

A) The request should be rejected by the server
B) The request will be automatically encrypted
C) The request will be redirected to the login page
D) The request will be logged and processed
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: A properly secured server should reject any POST request missing a valid CSRF token.

105. Can CSRF attacks affect APIs?

A) Yes, if the API relies on cookie-based authentication
B) No, because APIs do not use web browsers
C) Yes, but only if the API uses HTTPS
D) No, APIs cannot execute unauthorized actions
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: APIs that rely on cookies for authentication can be vulnerable to CSRF if they do not use additional protections such as authorization headers.

106. Which of the following is a defense against CSRF attacks in APIs?

A) Requiring authentication headers instead of cookies
B) Blocking all HTTP requests
C) Using CAPTCHA for all API requests
D) Relying only on SSL/TLS encryption
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: APIs should use authentication headers such as OAuth or JWT instead of cookies to prevent CSRF.

107. How does a SameSite=Strict cookie setting impact CSRF attacks?

A) It prevents cookies from being sent in all cross-site requests
B) It encrypts the authentication session
C) It allows users to bypass login screens
D) It enables JavaScript access to cookies
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: SameSite=Strict prevents cookies from being sent in cross-origin requests, blocking CSRF attempts.

108. What is one way attackers deliver CSRF payloads?

A) Embedding malicious requests in phishing emails
B) Using SQL Injection
C) Performing a denial-of-service attack
D) Exploiting broken access controls
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers commonly use phishing emails containing malicious links that execute unauthorized requests.

109. How does restricting API calls to JSON-only responses help mitigate CSRF?

A) It prevents browsers from automatically sending requests
B) It encrypts all outgoing data
C) It blocks all unauthorized users
D) It forces users to use CAPTCHA
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Browsers enforce Same-Origin Policy on JSON responses, reducing the risk of CSRF attacks.

110. Why should sensitive actions require re-authentication?

A) To ensure the user intentionally initiates the action
B) To increase website performance
C) To prevent all cross-origin requests
D) To encrypt all outgoing network traffic
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Re-authentication for sensitive actions (e.g., password changes, transactions) helps prevent CSRF attacks.

111. Which security header can help prevent CSRF attacks?

A) X-Frame-Options
B) Referrer-Policy
C) Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS)
D) X-Requested-With
Answer: D
💡 Explanation: The X-Requested-With header can be used to validate that a request is from a trusted source.

112. Why is GET generally considered unsafe for state-changing operations?

A) It can be logged and replayed
B) It always requires user authentication
C) It does not support JSON responses
D) It automatically encrypts requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: GET requests can be cached, logged, and replayed, making them unsuitable for state-changing operations.

113. What is one reason attackers prefer CSRF over XSS?

A) CSRF does not require injecting scripts into a website
B) CSRF grants full administrative control over a website
C) CSRF can be executed without user authentication
D) CSRF can only be performed using JavaScript
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Unlike XSS, CSRF does not require injecting scripts and relies on tricking users into making unauthorized requests.

114. How does JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication prevent CSRF?

A) JWTs do not rely on cookies for authentication
B) JWTs are encrypted by default
C) JWTs automatically validate user requests
D) JWTs prevent SQL Injection attacks
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: JWTs are passed in HTTP headers instead of cookies, preventing CSRF attacks.

115. Can a CSRF attack modify user credentials?

A) Yes, if the user is authenticated and the request is crafted correctly
B) No, because credentials require password re-entry
C) Yes, but only if the user has admin privileges
D) No, because CSRF only works on public websites
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If a user is logged in, a CSRF attack can execute unauthorized requests that modify credentials.

116. What is the main goal of a CSRF attack?

A) To trick a user into making an unwanted request
B) To inject malicious JavaScript into a website
C) To steal encryption keys
D) To perform brute-force attacks on passwords
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF tricks an authenticated user into performing an unintended action on a trusted website.

117. Which is an example of a high-risk CSRF attack?

A) Changing a user’s email address in a banking application
B) Displaying a pop-up ad on a web page
C) Logging a user out of an application
D) Submitting a comment on a blog
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks targeting financial transactions or account settings pose the greatest risks.

118. Why is using CAPTCHA not always an ideal CSRF defense?

A) It negatively impacts user experience
B) It requires JavaScript to execute
C) It encrypts all user requests
D) It only works on desktop browsers
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: While CAPTCHA can help, it creates friction for users and does not completely prevent CSRF.

119. Can an attacker perform CSRF attacks on a logged-out user?

A) No, CSRF relies on active authentication
B) Yes, but only with JavaScript execution
C) Yes, if they steal session cookies
D) No, because browsers block all CSRF attempts
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF requires an active session, so logged-out users are not vulnerable.

120. Which security practice helps prevent CSRF the most?

A) Using CSRF tokens and SameSite cookies
B) Blocking all HTTP requests
C) Using weak passwords
D) Disabling browser caching
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: A combination of CSRF tokens and SameSite cookies offers strong protection against CSRF attacks.

121. Why is it important to validate CSRF tokens on the server side?

A) To prevent attackers from forging requests on behalf of authenticated users
B) To improve website performance
C) To encrypt all web traffic
D) To block JavaScript execution in the browser
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Server-side validation ensures that only legitimate requests from authenticated users are processed, preventing CSRF attacks.

122. What is a primary reason why Referer header validation is not a foolproof CSRF defense?

A) Some browsers and proxies strip the Referer header
B) The Referer header is encrypted by default
C) Referer headers are only used in mobile browsers
D) Referer validation does not apply to API requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Some browsers, proxies, and firewalls remove or modify the Referer header, making it an unreliable CSRF defense.

123. What is a key advantage of using the “Origin” header for CSRF protection over the “Referer” header?

A) The Origin header cannot be modified by the user or proxy servers
B) The Origin header is encrypted by default
C) The Origin header is only used for GET requests
D) The Origin header automatically blocks CSRF attacks
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: The Origin header is less likely to be modified by browsers or proxies, making it more reliable than the Referer header for CSRF protection.

124. Can an attacker perform a CSRF attack without the victim clicking a link?

A) Yes, using an auto-submitting form or malicious script
B) No, CSRF requires explicit user interaction
C) Yes, but only if JavaScript is enabled in the browser
D) No, because CSRF attacks require a valid user password
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers can use hidden forms, iframes, or JavaScript-based auto-submission to execute CSRF without direct user interaction.

125. How does an attacker exploit CSRF in online shopping applications?

A) By tricking a user into purchasing unwanted items
B) By injecting SQL commands into the database
C) By stealing user cookies
D) By modifying payment gateway encryption
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers can use CSRF to submit unauthorized purchase requests on behalf of authenticated users.

126. Why is it recommended to use HTTP POST requests instead of GET for sensitive operations?

A) POST requests cannot be executed via simple hyperlinks
B) POST requests always require CAPTCHA verification
C) GET requests are encrypted by default
D) POST requests are faster than GET requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: GET requests can be easily triggered via links or images, making them more vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

127. How do SameSite cookies protect against CSRF attacks?

A) They prevent cookies from being sent in cross-site requests
B) They require users to enter a CAPTCHA before submitting requests
C) They encrypt all session data in the browser
D) They prevent attackers from accessing cookies via JavaScript
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: SameSite cookies restrict cookies from being sent with cross-origin requests, mitigating CSRF risks.

128. Why should CSRF protection be implemented on all state-changing requests?

A) To prevent attackers from modifying user data without permission
B) To speed up authentication processes
C) To ensure users can access websites securely
D) To allow cross-origin API requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: State-changing requests (e.g., account modifications, financial transactions) are prime targets for CSRF attacks.

129. Can a CSRF attack be performed on a website that requires multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

A) Yes, but only if MFA is required for login and not for sensitive actions
B) No, MFA completely prevents CSRF attacks
C) Yes, but only if the attacker has physical access to the victim’s device
D) No, because CSRF attacks always require an active user password
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If MFA is only required for login and not for sensitive actions, CSRF attacks can still be effective.

130. How does user session expiration reduce CSRF risks?

A) It limits the time an attacker can execute a successful CSRF attack
B) It forces users to enter their password repeatedly
C) It prevents users from logging in multiple times
D) It blocks all third-party JavaScript from executing
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Shorter session lifetimes reduce the attack window for exploiting CSRF vulnerabilities.

131. What is an example of a CSRF attack in social media applications?

A) Forcing a user to post a malicious link without their consent
B) Injecting a malicious script into a user’s news feed
C) Stealing user credentials via keylogging
D) Redirecting a user to a phishing page
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks in social media platforms can trick users into posting or liking content without their knowledge.

132. Which of the following is a major limitation of using re-authentication as a CSRF defense?

A) It only protects high-risk transactions, not all requests
B) It completely eliminates the need for CSRF tokens
C) It slows down all user interactions
D) It requires browser support
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Re-authentication protects high-risk actions but does not prevent CSRF attacks on lower-risk actions.

133. What type of CSRF attack manipulates the user’s browser history?

A) History manipulation CSRF
B) Session fixation attack
C) Clickjacking attack
D) Request smuggling attack
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Some CSRF techniques manipulate browser history to create fraudulent navigation trails that hide attack traces.

134. Why is CSRF considered a client-side attack?

A) It requires user interaction and browser authentication cookies
B) It exploits vulnerabilities in server-side databases
C) It only works when JavaScript is disabled
D) It requires the attacker to gain administrative privileges
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF exploits the client’s browser to execute actions using their authentication credentials.

135. What is a “CSRF chaining” attack?

A) An attack that combines CSRF with XSS or another vulnerability
B) An attack that modifies multiple user accounts at once
C) An attack that prevents users from logging out
D) An attack that encrypts CSRF tokens
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF chaining combines CSRF with other vulnerabilities like XSS to enhance the attack’s effectiveness.

136. What is a reason why financial applications are common CSRF targets?

A) They perform sensitive transactions that can be exploited
B) They allow weak passwords by default
C) They do not support HTTPS
D) They have unencrypted session cookies
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Financial transactions are high-value targets for CSRF attacks, as they involve money transfers and sensitive data changes.

137. How do hidden form fields help prevent CSRF?

A) They include a unique CSRF token that must be validated
B) They encrypt all outgoing requests
C) They prevent JavaScript execution
D) They block external scripts from running on a page
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF tokens stored in hidden form fields ensure that only authorized requests are processed.

138. How does an attacker verify if a CSRF attack was successful?

A) By checking for changes in the victim’s account settings
B) By scanning for SQL errors
C) By reading the user’s cookies
D) By monitoring browser cache
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers can confirm CSRF success by checking for unauthorized changes in a victim’s account.

139. Can CSRF be exploited on mobile applications?

A) Yes, if the app uses cookie-based authentication and lacks CSRF protections.
B) No, because mobile applications do not use cookies.
C) Yes, but only if the app is running on a jailbroken device.
D) No, CSRF attacks only work on web browsers.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Mobile apps using cookie-based authentication are vulnerable to CSRF unless they use proper security measures such as CSRF tokens or authorization headers.

140. How does restricting cookie scope improve CSRF defense?

A) It prevents cookies from being sent in cross-site requests, reducing CSRF risks.
B) It forces users to log in every time they access the application.
C) It encrypts all authentication sessions.
D) It blocks all JavaScript execution.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Using the SameSite attribute in cookies restricts them from being sent in cross-site requests, helping to mitigate CSRF attacks.

141. What is a common method attackers use to automate CSRF attacks?

A) Using an auto-submitting hidden form
B) Intercepting SSL traffic
C) Brute-forcing login credentials
D) Modifying HTTP response headers
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers can use hidden forms that auto-submit requests without user interaction, exploiting CSRF vulnerabilities.

142. Why should CSRF tokens be unique per session?

A) To prevent token reuse and replay attacks.
B) To allow users to perform multiple actions simultaneously.
C) To encrypt authentication credentials.
D) To store the user’s session data in the browser.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Unique CSRF tokens prevent attackers from reusing a stolen token in a different session.

143. How can session fixation attacks be used in combination with CSRF?

A) By forcing a user to use a known session ID that can be exploited.
B) By injecting malicious SQL commands.
C) By encrypting all CSRF tokens.
D) By disabling HTTPS connections.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers can set a predetermined session ID for a victim and then execute CSRF attacks using the same session.

144. What is an example of a CSRF attack in an online banking application?

A) Transferring money from the victim’s account without their knowledge.
B) Resetting a user’s password through brute force.
C) Intercepting bank credentials via MITM attacks.
D) Injecting malware into a banking website.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF can be used to initiate unauthorized financial transactions without user consent.

145. How does using Content Security Policy (CSP) impact CSRF attacks?

A) CSP does not directly prevent CSRF but helps mitigate XSS, which can be used to steal CSRF tokens.
B) CSP completely eliminates CSRF attacks.
C) CSP prevents all forms of cross-origin requests.
D) CSP forces users to verify their identity for every request.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: While CSP does not directly block CSRF, it helps prevent XSS attacks, which could be used to steal CSRF tokens.

146. Which security feature ensures that CSRF tokens cannot be stolen via XSS?

A) Using HTTP-only cookies
B) Using weak password policies
C) Disabling all JavaScript execution
D) Allowing all cross-origin requests
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: HTTP-only cookies prevent JavaScript from accessing CSRF tokens, reducing the risk of theft via XSS.

147. Why should CSRF tokens be validated on the server and not the client?

A) Because client-side validation can be bypassed by attackers.
B) Because client-side validation improves performance.
C) Because CSRF attacks originate from the client.
D) Because CSRF tokens are not needed for secure websites.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Client-side validation can be manipulated, making server-side validation essential for ensuring security.

148. What is one limitation of using CAPTCHA to prevent CSRF?

A) It negatively affects user experience and may not prevent all CSRF attacks.
B) It encrypts CSRF tokens.
C) It blocks all API requests.
D) It allows attackers to bypass authentication.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CAPTCHA can help prevent automated CSRF attacks but is not a practical solution for every request.

149. Can CSRF attacks target administrative users?

A) Yes, and they are often high-value targets.
B) No, administrators are immune to CSRF.
C) Yes, but only if they use weak passwords.
D) No, because administrators do not use authentication cookies.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Administrative users are prime targets for CSRF since attackers can use their privileges to modify system settings.

150. What is a major drawback of relying on referrer header validation to prevent CSRF?

A) Some browsers and proxies strip or modify the referrer header.
B) Referrer headers are encrypted.
C) Referrer headers do not work in mobile browsers.
D) Referrer headers require user authentication.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Many browsers and network proxies remove or alter referrer headers, making them unreliable for CSRF protection.

151. Why is it important to use HTTPS along with CSRF protections?

A) To prevent attackers from intercepting CSRF tokens via MITM attacks.
B) To encrypt CSRF tokens within the browser.
C) To block all cross-origin requests.
D) To allow API requests without CSRF validation.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: HTTPS ensures that CSRF tokens and session cookies cannot be intercepted in transit.

152. Can CSRF attacks be mitigated using firewall rules?

A) No, because CSRF attacks originate from legitimate user sessions.
B) Yes, by blocking all HTTP POST requests.
C) Yes, by restricting all incoming requests to specific domains.
D) No, because firewalls only protect against network-layer attacks.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Since CSRF attacks use authenticated user sessions, they cannot be effectively blocked using traditional firewall rules.

153. What is one reason why APIs should use authentication headers instead of cookies?

A) Authentication headers are not automatically sent with cross-origin requests.
B) Authentication headers improve web application performance.
C) Authentication headers encrypt CSRF tokens.
D) Authentication headers prevent all XSS attacks.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Unlike cookies, authentication headers such as OAuth tokens are not sent automatically with every request, reducing CSRF risks.

154. Can CSRF attacks be performed over WebSockets?

A) No, because WebSockets do not use automatic authentication cookies.
B) Yes, if the WebSocket protocol is vulnerable to MITM attacks.
C) Yes, but only if the attacker has admin access.
D) No, because WebSockets block all cross-origin requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: WebSockets do not automatically send cookies, making them less vulnerable to CSRF attacks.

155. Why are multi-step verification processes helpful in preventing CSRF attacks?

A) They require user interaction, making automated CSRF attacks difficult.
B) They encrypt CSRF tokens before submission.
C) They ensure that requests originate only from trusted IP addresses.
D) They prevent JavaScript execution in the browser.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Multi-step verification, such as email confirmation or OTPs, ensures that requests require active user interaction, reducing CSRF risk.

156. Can an attacker use browser extensions to perform a CSRF attack?

A) Yes, malicious browser extensions can initiate unauthorized requests.
B) No, browser extensions do not interact with web applications.
C) Yes, but only if the website has an open API.
D) No, because CSRF only works with user-generated input.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: A malicious browser extension with sufficient permissions can generate requests on behalf of a user, mimicking a CSRF attack.

157. Why should users log out of sensitive web applications after use?

A) To clear session cookies and reduce CSRF exposure.
B) To increase website performance.
C) To prevent XSS attacks.
D) To allow multiple users to log in.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Logging out removes session cookies, preventing attackers from exploiting an active authentication session for CSRF.

158. What is a potential risk of using third-party JavaScript libraries in web applications?

A) They can be compromised to inject malicious requests, including CSRF attacks.
B) They increase the website’s load time.
C) They automatically block CSRF attempts.
D) They require an SSL certificate to function correctly.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Third-party JavaScript libraries, if compromised, can be used to execute CSRF attacks by injecting unauthorized requests.

159. Can a CSRF attack occur if a website uses only AJAX-based authentication?

A) Yes, if the site relies on cookie-based authentication.
B) No, AJAX prevents CSRF attacks.
C) Yes, but only if the attacker has network access.
D) No, because CSRF attacks only work with form-based authentication.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If an AJAX request automatically sends authentication cookies, an attacker can exploit this for CSRF.

160. Why is requiring an anti-CSRF token in JSON requests an effective security measure?

A) Because browsers enforce Same-Origin Policy for JSON, reducing CSRF risk.
B) Because JSON automatically encrypts CSRF tokens.
C) Because JSON requests cannot be intercepted by attackers.
D) Because JSON blocks all cross-origin requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Browsers enforce the Same-Origin Policy for JSON responses, making it harder for attackers to exploit CSRF vulnerabilities.

161. How does using CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) impact CSRF attacks?

A) CORS alone does not prevent CSRF, but it can be configured to reduce risk.
B) CORS encrypts all outgoing requests, blocking CSRF.
C) CORS prevents users from logging into multiple accounts.
D) CORS eliminates the need for CSRF tokens.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CORS does not directly prevent CSRF but can restrict which origins are allowed to send requests.

162. What is a major limitation of referrer-based CSRF defenses?

A) Some browsers and proxies remove or modify the Referer header.
B) Referrer headers increase request latency.
C) Referrer-based defenses require user confirmation for each request.
D) Referrer headers can be encrypted to prevent CSRF attacks.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Many security policies and browsers strip or modify Referer headers, making them unreliable for CSRF protection.

163. How does browser sandboxing impact CSRF attacks?

A) It isolates malicious scripts, reducing the risk of CSRF token theft.
B) It prevents all form submissions.
C) It encrypts authentication sessions.
D) It blocks all cross-origin requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Sandboxing helps prevent scripts from accessing authentication cookies, reducing the impact of XSS-based CSRF attacks.

164. Why is user training an important defense against CSRF attacks?

A) Users can recognize phishing attempts that may deliver CSRF payloads.
B) Users can manually block CSRF attacks.
C) Users can modify browser settings to prevent CSRF.
D) User training eliminates the need for technical CSRF protections.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Educating users on phishing and malicious links helps prevent them from unknowingly executing CSRF attacks.

165. What is a “blind” CSRF attack?

A) An attack where the attacker cannot see the result of the executed request.
B) An attack that requires JavaScript execution.
C) A CSRF attack that exploits authentication cookies.
D) An attack that requires administrator access.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: In a blind CSRF attack, the attacker does not receive direct feedback but assumes the attack was successful.

166. How does HTTP session expiration help mitigate CSRF?

A) It limits the attack window by forcing users to re-authenticate.
B) It prevents cross-origin requests.
C) It encrypts all outgoing requests.
D) It requires manual approval for every action.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Shorter session expiration times reduce the attack window for CSRF exploitation.

167. Why should developers avoid using predictable CSRF tokens?

A) Predictable tokens can be guessed by attackers, making them ineffective.
B) Predictable tokens slow down the authentication process.
C) Predictable tokens increase server load.
D) Predictable tokens require additional encryption.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF tokens should be random and unique to prevent attackers from guessing them.

168. Can CSRF be used to exploit cloud-based services?

A) Yes, if the service relies on cookie-based authentication.
B) No, cloud services are immune to CSRF.
C) Yes, but only if the service is using weak passwords.
D) No, because CSRF attacks only target local applications.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Cloud-based services using cookie-based authentication without CSRF protection can be exploited.

169. How does logging CSRF validation failures help detect attacks?

A) It provides insight into suspicious request patterns.
B) It speeds up web performance.
C) It prevents session hijacking.
D) It allows users to bypass authentication.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Logging failed CSRF validation attempts helps identify malicious activity.

170. Can attackers use social media to deliver CSRF payloads?

A) Yes, by embedding malicious links in posts or messages.
B) No, CSRF attacks do not work on social media.
C) Yes, but only if the target is using a public Wi-Fi connection.
D) No, because social media sites block all third-party scripts.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers can embed malicious CSRF payloads in social media posts, tricking users into executing unauthorized requests.

171. Can CSRF attacks be combined with Clickjacking?

A) Yes, Clickjacking can be used to trick users into unknowingly executing CSRF attacks.
B) No, Clickjacking and CSRF are completely unrelated attacks.
C) Yes, but only if the target website uses weak passwords.
D) No, Clickjacking only affects visual elements, while CSRF manipulates user sessions.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Clickjacking can be used to trick users into clicking hidden elements that trigger CSRF requests.

172. What is one of the best ways to mitigate CSRF in modern web applications?

A) Using CSRF tokens in combination with SameSite cookies.
B) Relying only on strong passwords for security.
C) Blocking all incoming HTTP requests.
D) Using JavaScript to validate all requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: A combination of CSRF tokens and SameSite cookies provides strong CSRF protection by verifying request authenticity and restricting cookie behavior.

173. How does implementing role-based access control (RBAC) help mitigate CSRF?

A) It limits the impact of CSRF attacks by restricting user permissions.
B) It encrypts all HTTP requests.
C) It prevents JavaScript from executing in the browser.
D) It automatically blocks all cross-origin requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: RBAC ensures that even if a CSRF attack occurs, the attacker’s ability to perform critical actions is limited based on the victim’s user role.

174. Can an attacker exploit a CSRF vulnerability to delete user accounts?

A) Yes, if the target application lacks CSRF protections on account deletion requests.
B) No, CSRF attacks cannot be used to delete accounts.
C) Yes, but only if the victim has administrator privileges.
D) No, because CSRF attacks only work on login pages.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If an application lacks CSRF protection, an attacker can craft a request that forces the victim to delete their own account.

175. Why is requiring CAPTCHA for sensitive transactions an effective CSRF defense?

A) It ensures that a human user is initiating the request, preventing automated CSRF attacks.
B) It encrypts session cookies.
C) It disables JavaScript execution.
D) It forces users to log out after every request.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CAPTCHA ensures that an automated request cannot execute sensitive actions, reducing CSRF risks.

176. How does DNS rebinding impact CSRF security?

A) It allows attackers to bypass same-origin policies and execute CSRF attacks from a different domain.
B) It prevents CSRF by blocking all unauthorized requests.
C) It allows CSRF attacks only if the target is using an outdated browser.
D) It requires the attacker to gain control over the victim’s network.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: DNS rebinding can be used to bypass same-origin policies, making it possible for an attacker to launch CSRF attacks from a different domain.

177. Can CSRF attacks be performed over HTTPS?

A) Yes, HTTPS does not prevent CSRF attacks since cookies are sent automatically.
B) No, HTTPS encrypts all requests, preventing CSRF.
C) Yes, but only if the victim has a weak password.
D) No, CSRF attacks require an unencrypted HTTP connection.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: HTTPS protects data in transit but does not prevent CSRF because browsers still send authentication cookies with requests.

178. Why should CSRF tokens be different for GET and POST requests?

A) To prevent attackers from tricking users into sending GET requests that perform state-changing actions.
B) To encrypt form submissions.
C) To ensure that CSRF tokens do not expire too quickly.
D) To prevent browsers from caching CSRF tokens.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: GET requests should generally not be used for state-changing actions, but if they are, using separate CSRF tokens ensures better security.

179. How can CSRF attacks be detected in a security monitoring system?

A) By monitoring for unusual referrer values and unauthorized state-changing requests.
B) By scanning for SQL Injection patterns.
C) By checking if users have strong passwords.
D) By blocking all JavaScript execution in the browser.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Unusual referrer values and unexpected state-changing actions can indicate potential CSRF attacks.

180. What is a key difference between OAuth and CSRF tokens?

A) OAuth tokens are used for authentication and authorization, while CSRF tokens are used to verify request authenticity.
B) OAuth tokens encrypt all HTTP requests, while CSRF tokens do not.
C) CSRF tokens prevent SQL Injection, while OAuth tokens do not.
D) OAuth tokens are stored in cookies, while CSRF tokens are stored in local storage.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: OAuth tokens control access to resources, while CSRF tokens verify that requests are legitimate and not forged.

181. Why is implementing an allowlist for trusted domains an effective CSRF defense?

A) It restricts which domains can make requests to the application, reducing CSRF risk.
B) It automatically blocks all JavaScript execution.
C) It prevents SQL Injection.
D) It encrypts user sessions.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Allowing only specific trusted domains to interact with an application minimizes CSRF exposure.

182. How does session fixation relate to CSRF?

A) If an attacker can fix a session ID, they can execute CSRF attacks on the victim’s session.
B) Session fixation prevents CSRF by requiring additional authentication.
C) CSRF attacks require session fixation to work.
D) Session fixation blocks cross-origin requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: An attacker who fixes a session ID can launch CSRF attacks using the victim’s authenticated session.

183. Why should CSRF tokens be rotated periodically?

A) To prevent replay attacks using old tokens.
B) To speed up form submissions.
C) To encrypt browser cookies.
D) To improve server response time.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Regularly rotating CSRF tokens ensures that previously stolen tokens cannot be reused for an attack.

184. Can an attacker steal CSRF tokens using network sniffing?

A) Yes, if the website does not use HTTPS.
B) No, CSRF tokens are always encrypted.
C) Yes, but only if the user is using a mobile device.
D) No, because CSRF tokens are stored in local storage.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Without HTTPS, an attacker can intercept CSRF tokens over an unencrypted network.

185. What is one disadvantage of requiring user confirmation for sensitive actions as a CSRF defense?

A) It can create a poor user experience due to frequent prompts.
B) It slows down website performance.
C) It prevents authentication cookies from being stored.
D) It allows attackers to bypass JavaScript security.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Requiring confirmation for every action can frustrate users and reduce usability, making it a less desirable CSRF mitigation strategy in some cases.

186. Can CSRF attacks target RESTful APIs?

A) Yes, if the API relies on session-based authentication with cookies.
B) No, because RESTful APIs do not use authentication tokens.
C) Yes, but only if the API allows GET requests.
D) No, CSRF attacks only work on traditional web applications.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: RESTful APIs using cookies for authentication are vulnerable to CSRF unless they use measures like authorization headers.

187. Why is a secure random number generator recommended for CSRF token generation?

A) To ensure tokens are unpredictable and not guessable by attackers.
B) To improve website performance.
C) To prevent SQL Injection.
D) To encrypt user passwords.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Predictable CSRF tokens can be guessed by attackers, making them ineffective.

188. What is a reason why implementing CSRF protection on logout requests is generally unnecessary?

A) Logging out does not perform a state-changing action that affects security.
B) Logout requests always require authentication.
C) Users must enter a CAPTCHA before logging out.
D) Logout requests are encrypted automatically.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF typically targets state-changing actions, and logging out does not pose a security risk.

189. How can an attacker confirm whether a CSRF attack was successful?

A) By checking for changes in the victim’s account settings or transactions.
B) By scanning for SQL errors.
C) By checking if the victim has a weak password.
D) By monitoring browser cache.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Attackers can verify success by checking if the victim’s account settings were modified or unauthorized transactions were made.

190. How does OAuth protect against CSRF?

A) OAuth uses state tokens to verify the integrity of authorization requests.
B) OAuth encrypts all API requests.
C) OAuth prevents all cross-origin requests.
D) OAuth relies on session-based authentication.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: OAuth includes state tokens that prevent CSRF attacks by ensuring authorization requests are not forged.

191. Can CSRF attacks be launched against password reset requests?

A) Yes, if the password reset request does not require additional authentication.
B) No, because password resets always require email confirmation.
C) Yes, but only if the attacker knows the user’s current password.
D) No, CSRF attacks do not work on password-related requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If a password reset request does not require authentication, an attacker could force a victim to reset their password to an attacker-controlled value.

192. Why should CSRF tokens be invalidated after a user logs out?

A) To prevent attackers from reusing stolen tokens in new sessions.
B) To improve website speed.
C) To allow multiple users to share the same session.
D) To encrypt all outgoing network traffic.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Invalidating CSRF tokens after logout ensures that stolen tokens cannot be reused in future attacks.

193. What is the role of the “X-Requested-With” header in CSRF protection?

A) It helps verify that a request originates from an AJAX call within the same site.
B) It encrypts the CSRF token in HTTP headers.
C) It prevents all third-party API requests.
D) It ensures only GET requests are allowed.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: The “X-Requested-With” header can be used to verify that requests originate from the intended application.

194. Can a CSRF attack be successful if an application uses HTTP Basic Authentication?

A) Yes, if the browser automatically sends credentials with each request.
B) No, because Basic Authentication encrypts passwords.
C) Yes, but only if the user has an admin account.
D) No, CSRF attacks do not work with authentication-based systems.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Browsers automatically include Basic Authentication credentials in requests, making them susceptible to CSRF.

195. How can security headers complement CSRF protection?

A) They restrict which sources can make requests to the application.
B) They prevent users from logging in multiple times.
C) They encrypt session cookies.
D) They disable JavaScript execution.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Security headers like X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy help prevent unauthorized requests.

196. What happens if a CSRF token is stored in a cookie?

A) It can be stolen if an XSS vulnerability is present.
B) It prevents all CSRF attacks.
C) It makes CSRF tokens expire faster.
D) It encrypts all requests.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Storing CSRF tokens in cookies makes them vulnerable to theft via XSS attacks.

197. Why should CSRF protection be enforced even for internal company applications?

A) Insider threats and compromised employee devices can be exploited using CSRF.
B) Internal applications do not require authentication.
C) CSRF only affects externally facing applications.
D) Internal networks are always secure.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: Even internal applications are vulnerable to CSRF if employees’ devices are compromised.

198. Can an attacker execute a CSRF attack by embedding a malicious image?

A) Yes, if the image URL triggers a state-changing GET request.
B) No, images do not support CSRF attacks.
C) Yes, but only on outdated browsers.
D) No, CSRF requires JavaScript execution.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: If an application improperly allows GET requests for state-changing actions, an attacker can embed an image that sends an unintended request.

199. What is the impact of a CSRF attack in an administrative control panel?

A) It can lead to privilege escalation and unauthorized configuration changes.
B) It forces users to re-authenticate.
C) It logs out all active users.
D) It only affects non-privileged users.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: CSRF attacks targeting administrators can be especially dangerous, allowing attackers to change security settings, create new accounts, or modify access control.

200. What is the purpose of using double submit cookies for CSRF protection?

A) To ensure that CSRF tokens match the value stored in both a cookie and a request parameter.
B) To encrypt all CSRF tokens before transmission.
C) To block all cross-origin requests.
D) To prevent session hijacking.
Answer: A
💡 Explanation: The double submit cookie method requires that the CSRF token in the request matches the token stored in a cookie, ensuring request authenticity.