
Web Apps





Exercise 12: Monitoring Bandwidth Usage

by | Jan 12, 2025


Learn how to monitor and analyze network bandwidth usage using tools like ntopng to identify top consumers and implement strategies to manage bandwidth effectively.


You are a network administrator for a company experiencing network slowdowns. Management suspects certain devices or applications are consuming excessive bandwidth. Your task is to install and configure a network monitoring tool to analyze real-time traffic, generate detailed reports, and recommend strategies to control bandwidth usage.

⚠️ Important: This exercise should be conducted in a legal and controlled environment. Unauthorized network monitoring is illegal and unethical.

Lab Instructions

Step 1: Set Up the Lab Environment

  • Monitoring Machine: A Linux system connected to the network (preferably on the gateway).
  • Network Devices: Various devices connected to the same network generating traffic.

Step 2: Install ntopng

On the Monitoring Machine, install ntopng:

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install ntopng -y

Start and enable ntopng:

sudo systemctl start ntopng 
sudo systemctl enable ntopng

Step 3: Configure ntopng

Edit the configuration file to set the monitoring interface:

sudo nano /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf

Add the following line to specify the network interface (e.g., eth0):

-i eth0

Restart ntopng to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart ntopng

Step 4: Access the ntopng Web Interface

Open a web browser and navigate to:


Log in with default credentials:

Username: admin

Password: admin

Change the password when prompted for security.

Step 5: Capture and Analyze Traffic

  • View the Dashboard for real-time traffic analysis.
  • Navigate to:
    • Hosts: To identify devices consuming the most bandwidth.
    • Applications: To see bandwidth usage by applications (HTTP, HTTPS, etc.).
    • Flows: To analyze communication between devices.

Step 6: Generate Bandwidth Usage Reports

  • Access Reports to create detailed usage summaries.
  • Generate reports for:
    • Top Talkers: Devices with the highest bandwidth consumption.
    • Top Applications: Applications consuming the most bandwidth.
    • Protocol Distribution: Traffic distribution across different protocols.

Example Report Insights

  • Top Talker: Device is consuming 60% of network bandwidth.
  • Top Application: Streaming services (e.g., Netflix, YouTube) are using the majority of available bandwidth.

Solution & Explanation

How ntopng Works

  • Traffic Monitoring: Captures and analyzes real-time traffic from specified network interfaces.
  • Data Visualization: Provides web-based dashboards for detailed traffic analysis.
  • Reporting: Generates customized reports based on network usage data.

Example Analysis

  • Identified the top bandwidth consumers and their applications.
  • Detected unexpected traffic patterns that could indicate misuse.

Mitigation Strategies for Bandwidth Abuse

  1. Implement QoS (Quality of Service):
    • Prioritize business-critical traffic over recreational or non-essential usage.
    • Example: Prioritize VoIP and block/limit video streaming during work hours.
  2. Bandwidth Throttling:
    • Limit the amount of bandwidth certain devices or applications can use.
    • Use firewall or router policies to apply rate limits.
  3. Access Control Lists (ACLs):
    • Restrict access to high-bandwidth applications or non-business-related websites.
    • Example: Block access to streaming services on company networks.
  4. Network Segmentation:
    • Isolate high-bandwidth devices or guest networks from the main corporate network.
  5. Employee Awareness:
    • Educate users on responsible internet usage and the impact of excessive bandwidth consumption.

Testing & Verification

  • Before Mitigation:
    • Record bandwidth usage and identify top consumers.
  • After Applying Controls:
    • Re-analyze the traffic to verify a reduction in unnecessary bandwidth usage.
    • Confirm that critical services maintain performance.

Additional Script (Optional)

Automate ntopng installation and configuration:

# Install and configure ntopng
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ntopng -y

# Configure ntopng to monitor eth0
echo "-i eth0" | sudo tee /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf

# Start and enable ntopng
sudo systemctl start ntopng
sudo systemctl enable ntopng

Run the script:

chmod +x
sudo ./


In this exercise, you installed and configured ntopng to monitor network bandwidth usage. You analyzed real-time traffic, generated detailed reports, and explored strategies to manage and mitigate bandwidth abuse. Effective network monitoring and bandwidth management are crucial for maintaining optimal network performance and preventing misuse.